青幻舎 SEIGENSHA Art Publishing


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The Infinite World of Japanese Dolls: From Religious Icons to Works of Art

2,700 yen (JPY)
Edited by:
The Shoto Museum of Art
Japanese and English
256 × 182 × 16 mm, 540 g
Release date:
978-4-86152-914-6 C0070

Objects of love, hate, shamanism, utility: the millennium-long history of the deep and complex ties between dolls and the Japanese.

From the earliest curse dolls a thousand years ago to the hugely popular character figures of today, objects representing human beings have enjoyed a long and varied place in Japanese life. But precisely because they are so diverse and adaptable, they have never been defined as an individual category within art scholarship, and the nature of their existence remains altogether ambiguous and poorly investigated.

This pioneering volume features roughly one hundred dolls of all genres, from curse dolls, Doll Festival dolls, and true-to-life dolls to mannequins and works of contemporary art. Insights from experts in a range of fields illuminate the facets and appeal of Japanese human figurines, which over the centuries have effortlessly transcended borders to straddle the realms of not only art but also folk tradition, sculpture, toys, and more.

Chapter 1. Human or Humanoid Figure?
Chapter 2. Dolls as Part of Society, Dolls Shaping Society
Chapter 3. The Emergence of Sculpture and Sculptors
Chapter 4. Dolls as Works of Fine Art: The Doll Art Movement
Chapter 5. War and Dolls
Chapter 6. Dreams, Aspirations, and the Dedication of Adults
Chapter 7. True to Life: Iki Dolls
Chapter 8. Commerce×Dolls×Sculpture = Mannequins
Chapter 9. Sculpting Love and Desire in the Tradition of Pygmalion
Chapter 10. Hitogata Are Hitogata

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