青幻舎 SEIGENSHA Art Publishing


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Best Before

8,000 yen (JPY)
Yoshiyuki Okuyama
Release date:
978-4-86152-881-1 C0072

Twelve years of commissioned works by photographer and filmmaker Yoshiyuki Okuyama.

[Chinese follows English.]

Yoshiyuki Okuyama is one of the leading creatives in Japan today. Since his start in 2010 he has published and exhibited extensively as a photographer, winning the Kodansha Publishing Culture Award in Photography and the Canon New Cosmos of Photography Excellence Award; in recent years he has also been active as a director of many acclaimed music videos and television commercials.

This collection is the first to focus on the commissioned works that Okuyama has undertaken aside from his self-initiated projects in the twelve years of his career so far. The volume covers more than 400 photographs spread out over a hefty 500-plus pages, all picked by Okuyama himself. The astounding quantity and quality of those selections speak to his singular impact on and stature within the Japanese creative scene—included are collaborations with music artists Kenshi Yonezu, Gen Hoshino, Mr. Children, Radwimps, Aimyon, Masaharu Fukuyama, and Sakanaction; promotional images for Pocari Sweat, JR Skiski, NTT Docomo, and the Awaiting Kirin historical drama by NHK; projects with the magazines Vogue US, Ginza, Switch, and Hanatsubaki; and portraits of celebrity icons Suzu Hirose, Masaki Suda, Yurina Hirate, Nana Komatsu, and Tsubasa Honda.

Crystallized out of a process of engaging sincerely with his clients and subjects, building careful relationships with them, thinking his ideas through to the utmost, and testing and reviewing his plans time and again, the works—though commissions—clearly stand apart from mere advertising or commercialism, instead exuding the power and individuality of creative photographic expression. Diverse in color and texture, they teem with variety, energy, and artless passion, like a jumble of toys in a nursery; from images making calculated use of experimental techniques like multiple exposure, emulsion lift, slow sync, collage, copying, and solarization to spontaneous shots capturing definitive moments, their styles transcend conventional genres and metamorphose from work to work with a virtuosity possible only from a photographer who devotes himself to every shoot with the intensity that he does.

What is it that makes Okuyama’s wide-reaching and influential output so pervadingly “Okuyama”? Turn the pages for an awesome visual experience of  his inimitable, playful world.

The title, Best Before, is deliberately tongue-in-cheek: it’s a paradoxical declaration that the appeal of these works, indeed, has no expiration date.

Yoshiyuki Okuyama was born in 1991 in Tokyo. He received the Kodansha Publishing Culture Award in Photography in 2011 and the Canon New Cosmos of Photography Excellence Award in 2016. Published photo collections include flowers (Akaaka Art Publishing), As the Call, So the Echo (Akaaka Art Publishing), Pocari Sweat (Seigensha), Bacon Ice Cream (Parco Publishing; Taiwanese edition, Uni-Books), Girl (Plancton), Kimi no sumu machi (The Town You Live In; Space Shower Books), Los Angeles / San Francisco (Union Publishing), The Good Side (Editions Bessard), and Ton! Tan! Pan! Don! (bookshop M); major exhibitions in Tokyo, As the Call, So the Echo (Gallery916), Bacon Ice Cream (Parco Museum), Kimi no sumu machi (Omotesando Hills Space O), White Light (Canon Gallery S), flowers (Parco Museum Tokyo), and The New Story (Post). In recent years he has focused on filmmaking.




来自米津玄师的书籍推荐词到了! 通过与米津合作拍摄的《感电》音乐视频和艺术写真作品,奥山说他受到了很大的启发。从收到的本书推荐词也能看出,他们对彼此的创作相互尊重。



本书是奥山的第一本客户作品集,重点介绍他在创作作品的同时拍摄的 “客户作品”,将他从出道至今12年的作品汇集成一册。

书中收录了与米津玄师、星野源、孩子先生、Radwimps、爱缪、福山雅治和鱼韵乐队等艺术家的合作作品、宝矿力水特、JR SKISKI 和 NTT Docomo 的广告摄影作品、大河历史剧《麒麟来了》的主视觉、向《Vogue US》等国际著名杂志、《GINZA》、《SWITCH》和《Hanatsubaki》提供作品外,还拍摄包括广濑铃、菅田将晖、平手友梨奈、小松菜奈和本田翼等具有时代象征性的偶像进行人物拍摄, 其作品的质和量都是令人叹为观止的。



从使用多重曝光、感光乳剂、慢门同步、拼贴、影印和感光 ...... 等通过精心计算并具有实验性技术创作出的作品,到利用瞬间爆发力捕捉的决定性瞬间的纪实摄影,每件作品都是一次跨类型的更新,这也是奥山对每一次的摄影都是一丝不苟尽心尽力的结果。
奥山的作品在多种行业之间不断产生影响。 他作品中贯穿的“奥山特征”究竟是什么呢? 每一页都会将读者带入奥山独特而幽默的世界观中,给读者带来震撼的视觉体验。

本书书名《BEST BEFORE》,意为 “赏味期限”。


EYESCREAM / 爱缪 / 荒川良良 / 新木优子 / andymori / ANREALAGE / 冈田健史 / OKAMOTO'S / Casa BRUTUS / 岸井雪乃 / 木村Kaera / 大河历史剧《麒麟来了》 / GINZA / 窪塚洋介 / creepHyp乐队 / Kururi / 气仙沼漁师日历 / Cocco / 小松菜奈 / KOM I / 鱼韵乐队 / 佐久间由衣 / Suchmos / The SALOVERS / JR SKISKI 2019-2020 / SPUR / SWITCH / 杉咲花 / 菅田将晖 / 史蒂芬·肖尔 / Them magazine / 装苑 / Zoff / 高畑充希 / 多部未华子 / 玉城tina / 长谷川弘树 / 千总 / 恰拉 / 特里·赖利 / TOMORROWLAND / TRANSIT / 中条彩未/ 仲野太贺 / 纽约时报时尚杂志:日本 / never young beach乐队 / 野田洋次郎 / 長谷川博己 / 花椿 / 浜边美波 / 美術手帖 / 佐藤绯美 / 平手友梨奈 / 广濑铃 / FACETASM x Coca-Cola 胶囊系列 / 费加罗FIGARO 日本 / HOUYHNHNM / 福山雅治 / BRUTUS / 古馆佑太郎 / VOGUE US / 宝矿力水特 / 星野源 / VOSTOK…等



创作是一项艰苦的工作,不是吗? 它不仅充满乐趣。事实上,在完成创作之前,它是一场持续的斗争。但是,当我们手牵手朝着同一个方向奔跑时,在某个时刻,我们可以一起看到令人难以置信的动人场景。我想,我们每天面对作品的创作,就是为了那一刻。我想这也包括读者。哪怕只是一瞬间,会感到如此幸福,如此充满喜悦,如此庆幸自己还活着,甚至很难用其他东西来替代。


1991年出生于日本东京,2011年凭借《Girl》获得第34届写真新世纪优秀奖,2016年凭借《BACON ICE CREAM》获得第47届讲谈社出版文化奖摄影奖。

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