The Town You Live In: Reprinted Edition
- Price:
- 3,200 yen (JPY)
- Author(s):
- Yoshiyuki Okuyama
- Language(s):
- Japanese
- Size:
- 145 × 145 × 20 mm, 300 g
- Pages:
- 256
- Binding:
- softcover with slipcase
- Release date:
- 20240630
- 978-4-86152-958-0 C0072
Travel just a little back in time to see some of Japan’s brightest stars—and the fast-changing city of Tokyo—as they once were.
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Since 2010, Yoshiyuki Okuyama has pursued a prolific career as a photographer and filmmaker, actively publishing and exhibiting his own works on the one hand while also creating a memorable body of projects on commission on the other. The Town You Live In, featuring young actresses photographed in various locations around Tokyo, was originally serialized for three years in the magazine Eyescream; issued in book form by Space Shower Networks in 2017, it attracted attention for its impressive lineup of stars as well as for Okuyama’s use of a simple Polaroid camera, among other innovative techniques, to bring out new dimensions of their appeal.
Now, that book, which has fallen out of print in the seven years since, returns in a new edition under a new publisher.
Each photo, shot as though in a jam session with the subject based on a close process of dialogue and rapport-building, captures the actress with a sparkling look on her face that she reveals nowhere else. The synergy between the stars’ magic and Okuyama’s creative talents gives rise to a gem of a series that Okuyama himself treasures for having inspired a breakthrough in his own art. Another “star” of the series is Tokyo itself: with their inimitable outlook and graphical compositions, Okuyama’s Polaroid shots of the city offer a valuable record of its appearance before the 2020 Olympics even as they stand as one-of-a-kind images in their own right.
This edition preserves the layout of the original while thoroughly reworking the printing process and giving a new color to the cover among other updates, resulting in a nostalgic yet fresh encounter with thirty-five actresses—and the city of Tokyo—as they were a decade or so ago.
Actresses featured (in order of appearance)
Nana Komatsu, Fumi Nikaido, Sayu Kubota, Kasumi Arimura , Riko Narumi, Yao Aining, Mugi Kadowaki, Reina Kurosaki, Suzu Hirose, Airi Matsui, Maika Yamamoto, Nana Seino, Yuko Araki, Kaho, Fumino Kimura, Tsubasa Honda, Marie Iitoyo, Kaho Mizutani, Hana Sugisaki, Yurika Nakamura, Yuna Taira, Akari Hayami, Natsumi Okamoto, Ai Hashimoto, Mikako Tabe, Riho Yoshioka, Mitsuki Takahata, Aoi Morikawa, Ayami Nakajo, Shiori Kutsuna, Fuka Koshiba, Haruna Kawaguchi, Momoko Tanabe, Ren Komai, Yui Sakuma
Photographer and filmmaker Yoshiyuki Okuyama was born in 1991. He received the Canon New Cosmos of Photography Excellence Award in 2011 for Girl and the Kodansha Publishing Culture Award in Photography in 2016 for Bacon Ice Cream. Major solo exhibitions include As the Call, So the Echo (Gallery 916, Tokyo, 2017) and windows (amanaTIGP, Tokyo, 2023); major publications, As the Call, So the Echo (Akaaka Publishing, 2017), Pocari Sweat (Seigensha, 2019), flowers (Akaaka Publishing, 2021), Best Before (Seigensha, 2022), and windows (Akaaka Publishing, 2023).
当今著名女演员的 “那些日子”、记录东京这座日新月异的城市。
自2010年出道以来,摄影师兼影视制作人奥山义之不断在众多摄影集和展览中展示自己的作品,同时还创作了大量令人印象深刻的客户作品。 他在杂志《EYESCREAM》上连载三年的摄影集《The Town You Live In》,不仅因其演员阵容,还因其创新的拍摄手法(如仅使用宝丽来相机拍摄照片,从而展现出拍摄对象崭新的一面)而备受关注。
被摄体自身的魅力加上了奥山的艺术天赋,两者的合作可所谓是珠联玉映, 相得益彰
在这本书中,您可以再次邂逅东京这座城市和 “那个年代”的35位女演员。
小松菜奈 /二阶堂富美 / 久保田纱友 / 有村架纯 / 成海璃子 / 姚愛寗 / 门胁麦
黑崎莉奈 / 广濑铃 / 松井爱莉 / 山本舞香 / 清野菜名 / 新木优子 / 夏帆 / 木村文乃
本田翼 / 饭丰万理江 / 水谷果穗 / 平祐奈/ 冈本夏美
桥本爱 / 多部未华子 / 吉冈里帆 / 高畑充希 / 森川葵 / 中条绫美 / 忽那汐里 / 小芝风花
川口春奈 / 驹井莲 / 佐久间由衣 等
1991年出生于日本东京,2011年凭借《Girl》获得第34届写真新世纪优秀奖,2016年凭借《BACON ICE CREAM》获得第47届讲谈社出版文化奖摄影奖。